I have an INFJ (Introverted iNtuition Feeling Judging) personality type according to the Myers-Briggs test (see link on the left) and true to my profile I find it very difficult to say that I am the founder of Affective Immunology.
Let's say that I am its n.1 biggest fan - it sounds better. I started my career in science and research with a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry followed by an MRes in Experimental Pharmacology and a PhD in Natural substances with pharmacological action. This was all done at the University of Naples "Federico II" in Italy (see link on the left). During my postdoc (1999-2003) at the Department of Immunobiology at Yale University (see link on the left) I immersed myself in the fascinating world of cellular and molecular immunology. In 2003 I moved to the William Harvey Research Institute (see link on the left) in London, UK. In 2004 I have been awarded a New Investigator Award funded by the Medical Research Council (see link on the left) and I have received my first academic position as Senior Lecturer in Immunopharmacology in 2004. I became Reader in 2009 and full Professor in 2014. In parallel with my scientific career I have trained for 6 years in Transpersonal Psychotherapy at the Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education (see link on the left) in London. I am currently doing an MA in Transpersonal Psychotherapy working on a project titled Dreaming Autoimmunity (see link on the left) that investigates the dreams of patients suffering from immune disorders. |
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